Thursday, December 1, 2016

Least Favorite

My least favorite painting this semester would 120% be the glaze. I hate it. I cannot get the paint to do what I envision on this portrait painting. I will never attempt glaze again after this class. I'll stick to impastos.

Let it Burn

Although I did not experience with burning any of my paintings this semester, I'm really thinking about doing once our final is over. There are a few paintings I'm not looking forward to getting critiqued. So after you all tell me how horrible I think they are, I'm having a bonfire that I plan to throw these paintings in. You're all welcome to swing by!


This class is the first experience I have ever had with oil paint. Its funny that impasto is one of my favorite techniques, and the very first "wash" I did for the first 14 paintings was so thick I thought it was never going to dry. Maybe I am made for impasto, maybe I have a heavy hand. It's something I've thought about exploring once this class ends and I have all this extra oil paint and the giant jug of mineral spirits I bought so I could paint at home.

I did not sign up for Woodworking class...

I don't mind power-tools. I just don't want to mess with them, I definitely didn't expect to be making canvases. I royally messed up my last two, I'm mostly not good with angles.

This famous food truck...

Am I the only one that hasn't eaten at Nacho Biznez?! Is it really that good?! I must admit the smells were distracting while painting on the mural!

Mural Letters

I'm glad painting 2's went out and fixed up painting 1's mistakes. I was worried about the stretch of letters I did. Maybe my skinniest brush just wasn't skinny enough.

The View

When I am painting, all up in the canvases business, I noticed there are little things I may not notice, but when I step back I can look at the painting as a whole. Doing that with my abstract flower I feel definitely made it a better piece. Especially since popping was a goal during it, something can't pop if you forgot to paint a part of a shadow.

Favorite Technique

Besides learning about scumble and realizing I had done it before, I think my favorite is the impasto technique.
I like texture and 3D-like stand out art. If I paint a flower, I want the petals or leaves and grass around it to jump out at me, I tried to do that with my impasto abstract flower.


Believe it or not, I scumbled before I knew was scumbling was. I have a tribal elephant I painted specifically for my bedroom with my cheap brushes and paint. The day we learned was scumble was I came home and looked at my elephant and noticed the technique, and I remember loving the effect while painting it.


I've learned in this class that the brush matters. Like I said in a previous post, I have never done extreme painting. For me its always been cheap acrylic paint and variety packs of brushes from
Wal-Mart.  I splurged on the ones I use in class. No shedding and smooth lines, and I look at the art work around my bedroom and the ones I've done for the class and see the difference!

Brick Texture

The brick of the building we did the mural on was challenging. The grooves in the brick made painting letters hard because you didn't want the gaps to make it unreadable, especially from far away, being that it faces one of the main roads in Ada.

Mural Work

Working on the mural was fun, I was up on the ladder both times I helped out, I'm not scared of heights whatsoever but for some odd reason my leg wouldn't stop shaking! I couldn't imagine what would've happened if it was my arm or hand shaking like that.

Street Art

I feel like even though I like paying attention to detail that street art could be a favorite style of painting for me. Its free and sometimes doesn't always make sense, and to me that is what art is. I played with spray paint on a canvas for the first time with my shark, and I thought it was going to be disastrous, but I am actually still very pleased.


I think Murals are very important in expressing a town or city's history. I enjoy looking at them on the outside and inside of buildings. I have a favorite that is inside a wedding venue in Asher, OK.

Favorite Painting

My favorite painting we did this semester was the latest. The Street Art assignment had a lot more freedom and I loved that. I sometimes feel pressured in this class because I have never done extreme painting like this.