Thursday, December 1, 2016

Least Favorite

My least favorite painting this semester would 120% be the glaze. I hate it. I cannot get the paint to do what I envision on this portrait painting. I will never attempt glaze again after this class. I'll stick to impastos.

Let it Burn

Although I did not experience with burning any of my paintings this semester, I'm really thinking about doing once our final is over. There are a few paintings I'm not looking forward to getting critiqued. So after you all tell me how horrible I think they are, I'm having a bonfire that I plan to throw these paintings in. You're all welcome to swing by!


This class is the first experience I have ever had with oil paint. Its funny that impasto is one of my favorite techniques, and the very first "wash" I did for the first 14 paintings was so thick I thought it was never going to dry. Maybe I am made for impasto, maybe I have a heavy hand. It's something I've thought about exploring once this class ends and I have all this extra oil paint and the giant jug of mineral spirits I bought so I could paint at home.

I did not sign up for Woodworking class...

I don't mind power-tools. I just don't want to mess with them, I definitely didn't expect to be making canvases. I royally messed up my last two, I'm mostly not good with angles.

This famous food truck...

Am I the only one that hasn't eaten at Nacho Biznez?! Is it really that good?! I must admit the smells were distracting while painting on the mural!

Mural Letters

I'm glad painting 2's went out and fixed up painting 1's mistakes. I was worried about the stretch of letters I did. Maybe my skinniest brush just wasn't skinny enough.

The View

When I am painting, all up in the canvases business, I noticed there are little things I may not notice, but when I step back I can look at the painting as a whole. Doing that with my abstract flower I feel definitely made it a better piece. Especially since popping was a goal during it, something can't pop if you forgot to paint a part of a shadow.